
Kelly Farm Notifications

Kelly Farm Pool is streamlining notifications to our members in an effort to bring them notifications that are most applicable to them. One way we are doing this is by deploying a new Progressive Web App (PWA). A PWA is a lot like a website but its different in that it can be installed on your phone like an app. If you have an Apple iPhone or iPad, this is especially important because if you don't install the app, then push notifications won't work.

If you are doing this from a computer, then you can skip the Apple iPhone and iPad directions below and go straight to our Notifications Website by clicking here

Apple iPhone and iPad Directions

4. Scroll down on the share menu until you see "Add to Homescreen"

5. Tap Add to Homescreen

This will install the app on your iPhone or iPad

You can now close your browser and then locate the app on your home screen. You should be able to find it by looking for the Kelly Farm Pool logo

6. Tap on the icon to open the app

7. You will receive a dropdown shortly asking you if you are a Class A Member or a Class C Member. Both of these options will be selected by default. Uncheck the one that doesn't apply to you and tap on Submit 

8. Your phone will now ask if you want to allow Kelly Farm Pool to send you notifications. Tap on Allow

9. You'll receive another dropdown where you can add your phone number. Enter your mobile phone number and tap on Submit

That's it!